**Murder is predictable in a "secular atheistic" culture!

Millions of Americans are clamoring for ever more sexual "freedoms", saying "what I do is nobody else's business", while the others make the astronomically fatal and cowardly mistake of just wanting to keep the peace rather than think out the obvious results. In the last few decades we have legalized fornication, adultery, lewd co-habitation (shack-ups), "perverted sexual intercourse" (as homosexuality), pornography, divorce (as in "no-fault"), using obscene language in public, public nudity, and abortion.....  all CRIMES for 200 years! Perhaps rarely enforced, but laying down a foundation for our cultural acceptance of human dignity! 

To accomplish repeals of these laws, we have mistakenly shrunk from argument claiming a right to freedom "FROM" religion. This is false. The U.S. Constitution grants only the freedom "OF" religion, and says so specifically. It speaks of the "equality" of all people....  but clearly, in NO way are people "equal" to one another!  ....not in looks, size, talent, strength, intelligence, emotional maturity, physical dexterity, imagination, creativity, virtue, etc !!  The ONLY way people are equal, is in their importance to the Creator who made them, and the relationship HE desires to have with each! It is because of this unfathomable and "inalienable" personal dignity that we each have a right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", as stated in the Constitution.

Legalization of these crimes over the last few decades, can be justified only if we first deny the existence of the eternally-living spiritual human soul. And we have done so, with some pseudo(false)-intellectuals openly bragging that we must have a "SECULAR" government that keeps religious faith out of national public debate. But be WARNED!  Their passionate arguments have been due to gross ignorance, or more frequently to justify their own guilt, not for the common good. Our fathers and grandfathers fought both World Wars I & II to stop the insidious carnage brought on by collapsing cultures that clung to the "atheistic secularism" philosophy!  A  position that holds that human life has no "intrinsic" value.  Adolf Hitler abandoned his Christian religion to embrace atheism, then led the world in the worst destruction and slaughter of human life the planet has ever seen, before committing suicide while suffering from venereal disease. Our own president, as senator, voted to allow the killing of a living, crying, late-term aborted baby! Use your imagination as to who in the abortion room gets it done, and how!  WE HAVE NOW BECOME THE ENEMY!  .....refusing to humble ourselves in prayer before our Maker, and teaching our own children (by commission of acts or omission of training) this treacherous falsehood.

Pray to St. Michael the Archangel (and all the angels), to "defend us in battle against the wickedness and snares of satan!"



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