President Obama said in Orlando  July, 2016,  "Here I am again putting my arms around a shooting survivor"  who cries:  "Why does this keep happening?"

He has no answer!!! ...because he is blind to the obvious!

Once again the nation fumbles around, trying to pin a cause to these horrendous acts that never happened 50 years ago! Clueless politicians blame immigration, economics, unemployment, education, discrimination, guns etc etc. Disagreement brings us all to arguing and pointing fingers.  So... what has changed in our culture over the last 50 years that allows this mayhem?  Almost unbelievably, the cause of this record-breaking horror was...  get this now... FORNICATION/ADULTERY !!

Here is what has changed in our culture, and here is what really happened! We had laws in the past that defined and protected the dignity of human life. Those laws were passed by men who had deep respect for human life! Americans have now chosen to form a culture that denies the dignity of human life (which, obviously, denies the dignity of YOUR life!). With a culture that had been based on the belief that mankind shared with God Himself in the creation of an eternally-living human soul, our world reveled in every birth, and parents took on the difficult but glorious and honored role of parenthood, passing on to each child an opportunity to find and serve our mutual Creator, and our fellow way-faring man. Laws aimed at protecting that dignity of life were repealed in the 1970's: adultery, deviate sexual intercourse, fornication, lewd co-hibitation (shack-ups),  divorce (which once required a "cause"), public nudity, obscene language in public, pornography, abortion etc. Obama voted as a senator to allow the killing in the abortion room of a living, crying, full-term baby!! Let your imagination go as to who gets that done, and by what method! And the barbarians who allow such things claim to have concern for the "dignity of human life"?  The "dignity" of YOUR life?

So let's get down now to the real cause of the mass-shootings in the Orlando, Fl "gay" nightclub:  

No one knows what might be the primary catalyst that results in any one person's homosexual tendencies. We do know that when growing up we are all fascinated with the human body, as it is provocative and the sex drive is extremely strong. But we were taught the logical and natural purpose of human sexuality, and virtues unique to our humanity were insisted upon, and perversion discouraged. Our grandparents knew we are not slaves to instinct, like the animals, but capable of self-control and self-discipline. But now, with up to 75% of children in some communities now being raised by single parents, more boys seem to grow up wanting to wear dresses, rather than witnessing (and wishing to emulate) the tender love of a father willing to use his superior physical strength to protect his wife and children, provide for them, and lovingly discipline them in matters of critical virtue needed for success. The old rules of English gallantry and chivalry are mostly gone: such as opening doors for women, carrying heavy loads for them to the car, walking down wet streets between them and the road to shield them from splashes, stopping to change a flat tire for a woman stranger. Women, once honored by men for their almost magical role of motherhood and beauty of an innocent, nurturing heart, are often no longer given that honored position. When asked about "children", many of the most  beautiful and attractive women today answer, "Children? Yuck!"  Their intoxicating smile, beautiful shape and mannerisms are suddenly an unnatural, ugly and dangerous trap for their non-committal shallowness. Even today, there is nothing more attractive to a man than humble innocence, yet how often do you see the beauty of an innocent blush?  Everything that the Creator through "nature" has poured into this seemingly perfect human for happiness in her womanhood, and in her motherhood, has somehow been culturally corrupted. Without fathers present, little girls grow up often fixating on women as their hero/protectors. Fewer grow up witnessing humble nurturing and self-sacrifice, such as seeing mom's loving submission to her husband as he sacrifices his whole life for her. Fewer parents, if they have even allowed their conceived children to live, dedicate their lives for their children, and instead spend much of adult life dating like 16 year old children themselves... immaturely looking for the next male affirmation, or pulling back into a cold and bitter protective shell.

Our culture is no longer recognizable for many of us. The acronym that helped define the United States 50 years ago was N.A.S.A (the National Aeronautics and Space Administration), symbolizing  joyous challenge, discipline  and adventure. Today we see more of L.G.B.T. news (such as in Orlando) and public parades celebrating these (lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender) "rights". But these are "rights" to acts that were criminal a few years ago, and listed in books on psychiatry and psychology as indicative of mental illness. We were all told a few years ago that these choices involved an "orientation", but we've seen those so "oriented" switch back and forth at will. The AIDS debacle was a result of men having sex with animals, developing AIDS, infecting other men, then infecting our daughters. That is simply an "orientation" to sins of lust. Now the LGBT community have rallies of pride in having every and any sexual encounter, but leaving the birthing and rearing and life-long sacrificial commitment to raising children up to others, while demanding all the honorable benefits of marriage that laws will allow, to accrue also to themselves.  

Rather than honoring the DIGNITY OF HUMAN LIFE, and being awed by the glory and heroic self-sacrifice of parenthood that is the natural result of loving sexual union between man and woman, the L.G.B.T. folks will claim honor for themselves, simply for reaching an unnatural sexual orgasm. Never mind that it takes 25 years to raise a child, that it takes most life-long family assets to bring children to being productive citizens who create demand for all economic goods, take over jobs to fund retirement systems, man the military to defend our shores, tend us in sickness and old age, no... we'll do it all and ask our loving children to do the rest, while the LGBT community contribute mightily to our cultural denial of the dignity of human life, not only in defying acts labeled as sinful by every religion, but by mocking the sanctity and natural purpose of marriage and human sexual relations.

And what about the Orlando shootings (the greatest mass-shooting loss of life in the U.S. ever)???

 It was done by a gay man who has been reported to have been having several sexual affairs with men at the L.G.B.T. club, but who felt "used" by other men!!  Not "radical Islam", but revenge for having been "used". Sound familiar ?  Almost unbelievable... the familiar age-old sexual usury that destroys self-respect! ..and the more the sin is repeated, the colder and more emotionally insulated the sinner becomes. The revenge felt when we are hurt and denied the commitment that sexual encounters naturally stir. A deep desire for an emotional, psychological bond of mutual affirmation that sex relations are naturally programmed to ignite, here denied. And rather than a female's more likely response of tears from the pain, the testosterone-charged male turns angrily to violence. In other words...

THE CAUSE OF THE BIGGEST MASS SHOOTING IN THE U.S. EVER, WAS: FORNICATION ! (illicit sexual conduct breaking the marriage oath) An act warned about in scripture over and over again for it's likelihood to spur disaster!  The perversity of homosexual acts may have contributed to the intensity of the crime (other unnatural acts about which there are scriptural warnings). But you know the unapologetic demands of the perverse: "It's nobody else's business what consenting adults do".  And they mock the words of scripture:  "Knowledge of what Christ has taught gives wisdom to the simple" (those humble enough to accept it).  The religion of Islam also has strict rules forbidding adultery and fornication, and insists on modesty of speech and dress so as to not unduly inflame sexual passion.  Is there any wonder they fear the new trash-culture of the U.S. and laugh at our self-invited calamities?

The insanity of it all was just revealed again by an Oregon judge who made a decision in a "trans-gender" case that may be the first of it's kind on the globe. A young man that didn't "feel" male, had his sex changed to female (that mutilation itself almost certainly constitutes serious sin). But later, this new Oregon "female" decided "she" didn't " really "feel" female either, so hired an attorney to plead her case for not having to identify as either male or female. So the judge, in his pseudo(false) wisdom, granted "her" the "right" to declare herself "non-binary". That is, "she" can now claim on official documents to be "non-binary" (that is:  two-fold, or double).  So, rather than telling this young man to accept the beautiful, natural, God-given gift of his manhood (or in the alternative to go see a psychiatrist), the judge saddles the rest of the world with the insanity of having to change every identifying document on the planet with a new 3rd choice when listing what sex you are...  Please check the box:  Male, Female, Non-Binary.   

What fools, we Americans. We've abandoned the Christian values that are necessary for the human race to thrive, values that brought the human race from the cave to the space age, with the greatest successes for humanity ever seen. Now we, as a nation, deny that unique dignity of the human race, possessing "intellect and will"...  attributes of God himself  (attributes making us in His "image and likeness").  It is causing mass insanity as we wrongly insist we are only animals. So why be surprised or sound confused when we are treated like animals? We have no moral high-ground or philosophy of life from which to argue a case with ISIS murderers, or anyone else,  who has contempt for us and who challenges our "inalienable" rights. If ever again we have the humility and guts to accept the almost unbelievable dignity we have, and instill that knowledge once again into our children, culture and communities, only then can we all once again feel "safe" while we thrive again under the "common sense" umbrella of "natural moral law".

The angels know our weakness!  Plead for their help now, that we can rise up from the dirt and stand tall, as holy men, pleasing to the loving Creator!

Publisher:  for Father's Day, 2016      


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