Many Amricans now expect the cruelest, most abhorrent of human conduct to be legally allowed if it serves to feed their own gluttonous passions, with no concern for the damage to others or themselves, but only for free immersion into lust, drug euphoria, power, or position with no guilt  or remorse!  This is textbook symptoms of a "psychopathic personality"!  

We have seen chaotic unrest over the nomination of a Supreme Court judge. But the unrest began well before the nomination, and is traced to the unrest over the election of the president. And the unrest is over the possibility of the president (and now his court nominee) being "too conservative"... that is, possibly willing to make decisions to re-impose rules of personal conduct that have been the norm of every civilized society;  such as rules that limit what the citizens of civilized societies throughout history have recognized as "perversities" of human conduct that deny the dignity of the human race to an extent that those perverse actions are a scandal and a shock to the conscience of the community. A community that expects at least some standards of conduct and civility that will be recognized as being somewhere above the purely animal re-action to natural impulses. 

Our abandonment of a simple condensed list of rules known historically as the "Ten Commandments" has provided sidewalk social engineers the conscience-free permission to "disobey" any rule, no matter the consequences to anyone!   The result is a frightening national psychopathy.  The abandonment of those simple rules that assure human success of both the community and the individual, (so effective due to the perfect application to the very nature of a human being) begins with denial of the obligation to recognize our Creator and give him his just due. But the immeasurable seriousness of violation of other commandments, such as "bearing false witness", has long escaped many of us. Now we have seen that literally millions of our fellow citizens willingly and repeatedly lie about others, terrible and destructive lies, and even join media organizations with the purpose of garnering power to more effectively influence and deceive vast numbers of fellow citizens with "fake news". Not to inform, but to discredit virtue, using innuendo, false suggestion and half-truths to confuse issues, and more recently telling  blatant lies, knowing full well the falsity of the information. These lies require the innocent and or vulnerable to struggle defending themselves, or there messages to friends and even their own children. These liars destroy people, families, and communities with malice, in order to hide their real diabolical agendas, with no concern whatsoever about who, or how badly, their lies hurt people or the nation! The dictionary describes "psychopathic behavior" as : amoral, perverse or impulsive behavior characterized by lack of remorse, lack of shame, psychological malfunctioning as with having no sense of personal responsibility toward self or others. An example is the expanding of the Roe vs. Wade abortion decision originally allowing abortion up to the end of the first tri-mester (12 weeks). It has now been pushed to being lawful up to the very time of full-term birth of a healthy baby, and even allowing the baby to be violently dismembered with heavy steel tools. Liberal democrats seemingly don't care that science has proven that the baby feels the pain of abortion, even after 20 weeks, and the U.S. House has passed the PAIN CAPABLE UNBORN CHILD PROTECTION ACT, not once, but 3 times! Yet liberal senate Democrats will not allow it's passage into law. They allow this atrocity of mayhem to continue in our own neighborhoods. With pictures available today, I know that these people, exhibiting all the characteristics of a psychopath, would have been prosecuted and some executed when I was a young man. I can attest after 32 years in law enforcement that a psychopath is the most dangerous and frightening person in the human family precisely because he/she has no remorse, no sense of guilt, and no conscience that will act as a limiter of their diabolical behavior!  How long can a culture endure such continued deterioration of decency?  

Pray to your angels!!  We so desperately need their help, their wisdom, their protection and friendship.

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